“Six or seven boys ramraided us during the day and smashed my husband’s face, stole smokes and whatever they could,” the man’s wife told the Herald.
“He was shouting for help but no one could hear. It was too much and such a bad time for our family.”
The attack shook the couple, who then researched all types of security and decided on the gate, camera, buzzer and fog cannons.
Bollards were also added to the front of the shop.
“We didn’t want to be caged into the counter like some shops so we decided on the security gate. The Super Liquor next door also has one so I copied them,” the man said.
He said their customers supported the move and accepted it would keep staff safe and the shop open.
“It’s a bit of a delay for customers but it is working well,” the woman said.
The couple said intoxicated customers and those wearing masks had already been stopped at the door and in some cases denied entry.
The gate had already foiled a shoplifting attempt where someone tried to leave without paying – but couldn’t.
The couple had also taken other measures, such as reducing stocks of high-risk products such as vapes and cigarettes.
A video of a customer entering the shop after pressing the buzzer was posted to TikTok and has had more than 125,000 views.
Data from April this year revealed ram raids were down more than 80% from the same time last year.
Police identified 12 ram raids in April 2024, compared with 64 in April 2023.
There were a total of 433 ram raids in 2022, 288 in 2023, and 67 in the first four months of this year.
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