Silt removal work is under way near Dartmoor Rd, but more funds are needed if it is to continue. Photo / Warren Buckland
Silt removal work is under way near Dartmoor Rd, but more funds are needed if it is to continue. Photo / Warren Buckland
The Hawke’s Bay Regional Council has issued an impassioned plea to any new government for more funding to help move an estimated 1,200,000 cubic metres of silt and debris that remains blanketing the region.
So far, the Silt Recovery Taskforce has moved close to 900,000cu m of silt around Hawke’sBay, completing over half of the 977 logged jobs.
Silt Recovery Taskforce lead Darren de Klerk said in a statement unless more money comes in by the end of October, work will stall again.
“We estimate the money we have left will allow us to complete approximately 50 further collections by the end of October, as well as manage our sites,” de Klerk said.
Regional council chairwoman Hinewai Ormsby said in a statement that finding more money for the taskforce was a high priority, with the region estimated to still need another $70 million after asking for $200m in March.
“We appreciate the money Government has given us to date for this important mahi, but we see the reality ahead of us and are advocating for more funding after the election,” Ormsby said.
Hastings District Council Mayor Sandra Hazlehurst said local government had engaged with both major parties to make sure it was an immediate post-election priority for the incoming Government.
Silt Recovery Taskforce lead Darren de Klerk says unless more money comes in by the end of October, silt removal work will stall again. Photo / Warren Buckland
Wairoa Mayor Craig Little urged the Government for funding help with around 20,000cu m of woody debris material that had been stockpiled on beaches and reserves in the Wairoa district.
“The recovery work to date has prioritised key recreational areas along the coastline, river mouths, beaches and bridges. This recovered material needs to be either burned, shredded or transported to a dumpsite to complete the operation; however, additional external funding is needed to complete this work.”
Little said that if it was left alone, the debris would likely remobilise and cause further problems to the beaches, river mouths and infrastructure.
“People have a right to access their beaches and waterways for recreation and gathering of kaimoana, and this needs to be further recognised by the Government.”
There are 440 jobs left in the system, with an estimated 1,200,000cu m of silt and debris to be cleaned up.
The taskforce has recovered over 140,000 tonnes of woody debris and processed approximately 60,000cu m of waste debris.
“The risk of not continuing the work will be widespread, and we fear it will impact our communities for some time – including the delay of landowners getting their land back into production, loss of jobs from our contractors, and dust, which is a risk now and will only worsen heading into an El Nino summer,” de Klerk said.