A new poll on the flag shows the current flag has almost twice as much support as the alternative flag although support appears to have softened slightly.
The poll taken by UMR Research shows 59 per cent want to keep the current flag while 32 per cent want to change. About 9 per cent were still undecided.
The poll of 750 voters was taken in the last week of February, just before ballot papers were sent out on Thursday. UMR Research also does polling for the Labour Party.
In the last UMR poll in January, 65 per cent said they would vote for the current flag while 35 per cent would vote for change.
The issue appeared to be split along political party lines -- National voters were evenly split on it with 45 per cent voting each way. Almost three quarters of Labour voters said they wanted to keep the current flag and 19 per cent favoured change.