There's also been mass-murdering African doctors-turned-politicians and, more recently, Radovan Karadzic, the so-called Butcher of Bosnia, who in fairness was also a poet, which was probably the primary homicidal inspiration factor. Today there's Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, who's certainly no practitioner of the Hippocratic Oath.
Politicians are drawn from a variety of activities but where are the murdering architects, lawyers, accountants-turned politicians? One of the worst mass killers, Joseph Stalin, trained to be a priest, so no surprise there given clerics' obsession with the after-life.
We're all grateful to nurses, doctors and surgeons when we need them and survive their attempts to kill us. But I suspect that constantly seeing people at their worst induces a detached lack of human empathy, much as abattoir slaughtermen might develop towards life and death, a point, incidentally, made 500 years ago by Sir Thomas More in Utopia.
And don't think it's just the men; rather, feminine cunning enables the murdering women doctors to escape detection. But we frequently read of patient-murdering nurses; indeed, one had the honour recently of being the 500th to be executed in Texas since they restored capital punishment.
Other professions, particularly law and accountancy, hammer members who stray, banging them before tough tribunals which have no hesitation in defrocking them even though, unlike the doctors, they at least haven't killed their victims. Indeed, the accountants employ a QC to lead the prosecution and advertise the hearing as open to the public while we regularly read of lawyers losing their licences or going off to prison, so much so it would make sense to include a course in prison library management in law degrees. But not the medical profession, which serves up wrist-slapping cover-ups, obviously sympath-ising with colleagues who - unlike them-selves, so far - have been nabbed.
I teased a GP friend about his pro-fession's tolerance of quackery, citing, for example, the colonic irrigation racket that sucks in gullible Princess Di-type women with its bogus promise of eternal youth. The reason we don't, he said, is invariably they'll pull some lunatic medical lecturer from Massey University or suchlike, to swear it has benefits. Mind you, I have an anaesthetist friend, Graham Sharpe, who's furious about quackery, and especially colonic irrigation, but he struggles to engender much collegial support. In defence, it could be argued Reiki, foot-tickling plus pseudo-scientific naturopathy, homeopathy and other luna-cies may have a placebo-effect, consoling madwomen with imaginary illnesses, and being cheaper than psychiatrists.
In fairness, the medical profession is not as mercenary as some associated activities. Take the Opticians Association, who are the secret sponsor and promoter of choral singing in New Zealand. Tune in on Sunday mornings to the host of church choirs dirging away and you will see why. They're all wearing spectacles, for it's a scientific fact that singing in church choirs destroys one's sight - understandable, as short of killing the choristers, it's God's only defence against this wailing directed at him other than packing it in and taking up golf.
But here's the clear-cut evidence of the medical profession's nonchalance. Think how often we read of the detection of a bogus doctor who's been "working" in hospitals for years. The mind boggles at how many pseudo doctors are out there.
Contrast that with law. It would be impossible to pass yourself off as a lawyer in the Western world because the profession maintains highly diligent control standards. The nearest I've heard of this is with an Auckland barrister who reputedly has an impeccably tidy and well-ordered office. This is unbelievably suspicious behaviour, all barristers' offices worldwide being appalling pigsties.
Last year, I wrote warning the Auckland Law Society president about the barrister, citing this damning evidence. She replied, acknowledging this worryingly unconventional behaviour, but advised that after checking, she's satisfied as to the validity of his Cambridge degree. I'm still sceptical.