Enchanter tragedy in court: Skipper faces charges relating to the deaths of five men
A weather warning was issued two days after the Enchanter left on a five-day trip.
A weather warning was issued two days after the Enchanter left on a five-day trip.
A landlord lost control, sending abusive text messages to her tenant.
Bayley Christensen is set to be sentenced in Christchurch in June.
Convicted offender who told officer he would kill him remains in custody for now.
Sira Elkheir, 21, is arrested in western Sydney Bunnings on charges related to the kidnapping and six-day torture of small business owner Peter Vuong. Video / NSW Police Force
Residents reported hearing an explosion and saw armed officers descend on a nearby house.
It's the same old story for owner Avon Singh, and he's had enough
Man who kidnapped, murdered Chch 6-year-old in 1986 still a risk to community.
At this time the death is being treated as unexplained, say police.
Multiple ramraids and smash-and-grab incidents across Auckland overnight. Video / Hayden Woodward
An attempted burglary in North Shore led to a car being forcibly stopped in Epsom.
Police were forced to take drastic actions to stop a vehicle after an alleged attempted burglary on Auckland’s North Shore. Video / Hayden Woodward
More ram raids have been reported around Auckland overnight.
Final warning: Drink-driver on last chance for seventh offence.
A man who used sexsomnia as a defence to indecent assault now has his name suppressed.
The man who stalked his victim and made threats from prison has been released on parole.
Guns have been among items stolen in at least two recent Wellington burglaries.
Fog cannon was deployed during an attempted service station robbery.
Judge Gordon Matenga says he will not send young burglar to jail.
Police say their helicopter crew saw teens speeding away from the ram raid.
Suspicious her partner was cheating, she attacked the man and then set fire to his home.
Geneva Patea was due to be sentenced this week but failed to appear.
A Panmure store was ram-raided just after 2am.
Following his release from jail, he made 'questionable online purchases'.
Police allege the offending occurred over three months.
The decision comes in light of increasing retail crime around the country.
The 30yo man allegedly stole dozens of credentials from Genesis Market.
The husband was undergoing treatment for cancer when he was knocked unconscious.
The three have achieved their final step with their bar admission ceremony.
Stephen Ewart was incited to set fire to a residential flat in 2017.