PREVENTION: Carolyn McKenzie says police being in the right place at the right time has helped cut crime 9.2 per cent in Wairarapa in the past year.PHOTO/FILE
PREVENTION: Carolyn McKenzie says police being in the right place at the right time has helped cut crime 9.2 per cent in Wairarapa in the past year.PHOTO/FILE
Wairarapa has had a 9.2 per cent reduction in crime during the past year.
This follows on from a 10.4 per cent reduction the year before.
Police Acting Area Commander Carolyn McKenzie said burglaries and thefts were down in Wairarapa and the number of robberies was static.
Drug offences have halved over the past year.
"We are focusing on prevention and have been in the right place at the right time," said Ms McKenzie.
Ms McKenzie said the police were working on a more robust set of family violence statistics, which included factors such as profiles of relationships between victims and offenders, to give a more detailed story of family violence in the area.
There has been a 16.7 per cent rise in reported sexual assaults in Wairarapa, but Ms McKenzie said that this was consistent with nationwide statistics.
She said the increase was due to sexual assaults being under- reported in the past.
During the past few years, she said victims had felt more comfortable reporting assaults to police.
"It doesn't matter if it [the assault] was last week or last decade, we want people to report it."
Ms McKenzie said the police were on track with continuing to cut crime in the district.
"We are pleased with a 20 per cent decrease over two years, that means 20 per cent fewer victims. It's a very pleasing result."