The Ministry of Fisheries is taking a hard line with divers taking soft-shell crayfish. Officers have also cracked down on anglers bagging undersize snapper and kingfish, as well as those taking too many mussels and kina.
During the past 40 days, Northland officers have issued 16 infringement notices totalling $4000 for undersize crayfish, soft-shell crayfish, excess mussels, excess kina and undersize kingfish and snapper.
Northland compliance manager Darren Edwards said the number of incidents involving soft-shell crayfish was rising steadily.
"If fishermen are prepared to take them in this state then they must be prepared to suffer the consequences, which will be either by way of a $250 fine or prosecution for more serious offences. This is the same approach that will be taken across the entire fishery whether it be shellfish or wet fish."