There were 19 Covid cases in the community today. Video / NZ Herald
The Ministry of Health revealed a positive Covid case was at the Valley Fresh, in Panmure, for an hour and a half last Thursday.
The affected time is between 3pm and 5.30pm and anyone who was there during that time period is advised to self-isolate immediately for the next 14 days and to get a Covid test.
Lotus Supermarket in Mt Roskill was visited on Sunday 26 September. Photo / Google
6pm update
• Valley Fresh: 22E Jellicoe Rd, Panmure: Thursday September 23, between 4pm to 5.30pm.
This evening, the Ministry of Health has released six new location of interest spread across central and east Auckland.
Valley Fresh in Panmure was visited on September 23 for an hour and a half. Anyone in the store between 4pm to 5.30pm must stay at home and get tested immediately, as well as on day five.
Z Beach Rd has been identified as a location of interest. Photo / Google
Lotus Supermarket in Mt Roskill was visited on September 24 between 4.30pm to 5.45pm, anyone at the location during this time must self-monitor for Covid-19 symptoms.
The same advice goes to anyone who was at Sensational Chicken on September 24 between 7.37pm to 7.47pm and anyone who visited Hillsborough Dairy for 15 minutes on September 26.
As well as anyone who visited the Z petrol station on Beach Rd during the time of possible exposure.
For the first time, New World in Mt Roskill has been added to the list. The supermarket was visited on September 26 between 5.36pm and 6pm, anyone at the shop during this time must self-monitor for Covid-19 symptoms.
4.30pm update
• Cedar Park Superette: 99 Tington Ave, Wattle Downs: Friday, September 24, between 6pm and 7pm.
The Cedar Park Superette was visited by a person with Covid-19 last week. Photo / Google
The Cedar Park Superette was visited by a person with Covid-19 on September 24 between 6pm and 7pm.
Anyone at the store during this time must stay at home and immediately get tested, as well as on day 5.
Midday update
• Flat Bush Laundromat: 1E Piako St, Otara: Wednesday, September 29 (yesterday), between 3pm and 3.30pm Also: Saturday, September 25, between 4.30pm and 7.15pm
• Countdown Greenlane: 324 Great South Rd, Greenlane. Thursday, September 23, between 7.40pm and 8.20pm
The Flat Bush Laundromat on Piako St, in Otara, was visited by a person with Covid yesterday afternoon. Image / Google
The same laundromat is linked to a visit from a person with the virus on Saturday, September 25, between 4.30pm and 7.15pm.
A person with the virus also visited the dairy next to the laundromat - Flatbush Superette - that same Saturday between 4.30pm and 5.30pm.
A supermarket in Greenlane has also popped up on the health ministry's website this afternoon.
Countdown Greenlane, at 324 Great South Rd in Greenlane, has been identified as a location of interest after a person with the virus was there last Thursday, September 23, between 7.40pm and 8.20pm.
Earlier today, another laundromat was revealed as a place of interest after a visit from a Covid positive person on Wednesday.
Countdown Greenlane has been identified as a location of interest. Image / Google
Anyone who was at the Chatters Laundromat at 112J Dawson Rd in Clover Park, South Auckland, on Tuesday morning is being told they must self-isolate for 14 days after being at this location of interest.
"Test immediately and five and 12 days after you were exposed," the Ministry of Health says.
The laundromat has been linked to a Covid positive case or cases twice two days ago - between 8am and 9am and again between 10am and 10.30am.
People who were there during those times are also urged to record their visit on the ministry's website or call Healthline on 0800 611 116 so contact-tracers can get in touch.
The Chatters Laundromat, at a shopping complex on Dawson Rd, Clover Park, was visited twice by a person with Covid on Tuesday morning. Image / Google
Chatters Laundromat in Clover Park was one of nine new locations of interest posted to the site yesterday - all but one announced after it was announced that 45 community cases had been identified.
It was also one of three places visited by people with the virus on Tuesday.
The other two locations connected to Covid positive cases are two petrol stations - the Z Te Irirangi Drive on Dawson Rd, Clover Park, and the BP Ellerslie gas station on Main Highway in Ellerslie.
10.30am update
Three new Covid exposure events have been announced by the Ministry of Health.
• Countdown Manukau: 652 Great South Rd, Manukau
• SuperValue Flatbush: 8/130 Dawson Rd, Clover Park
• Flat Bush Laundromat: 1E Piako St, Otara
The Countdown Manukau supermarket was visited by a person who has tested positive for the virus on Monday.
They were there for just over two hours between 5.45pm and 7.40pm.
The SuperValue Flatbush was linked to a person with Covid on Saturday afternoon between 1.30pm and 3.30pm.
While the Flat Bush Laundromat has been identified as a location of interest after a Covid positive case visited on the same day - Saturday, September 25, between 4.30pm and 7.15pm.
Yesterday's updated list
• Chatters Laundromat: 112J Dawson Rd, Clover Park
• Weymouth Beach: Weymouth, South Auckland. Sunday, September 26, between 12.30pm and 1.30pm
• Flatbush Superette: 1B Piako St, Otara. Saturday, September 25, between 4.30pm and 5.30pm
The Mobil Clendon Park, on Roscommon Rd, and the Kelston Mall in West Auckland were visited by people with Covid on Monday evening and afternoon, respectively.
The Kelston Mall sparked some attention when it was announced early yesterday afternoon as it is the first location of interest to be identified in West Auckland in weeks.
Health authorities continue to urge the public to check the locations of interest website regularly - especially if you are an essential worker.