During the occupation, he said protesters had tried to remove his housemate's mask, and other residents had been verbally abused for wearing one including himself.
The protest appeared to be anti-everything Covid, not just anti-mandate, he said.
"If it was a more nuanced protest around mandates, you'd see people wearing masks. The reality is there's nobody wearing masks there.
"It's a complete denial of the risk of Covid whatsoever, which is really concerning. I'd feel a lot more comfortable if people were wearing masks."
Children at the Parliament forecourt wall with placards on day 13 of the anti-mandate protest and occupation. Photo / Mark Mitchell
The resident has been going to his work every day to avoid being around the protest and said his neighbours had also gone away.
He didn't feel entirely safe having to walk past and through hundreds of unmasked people to get home, he said.
A combined statement released tonight from some groups occupying Parliament said protesters are outraged about arrests made early last week and want all charges dropped.
The group said the protests have been largely peaceful so far but it could have "gone the other way all together".
The group said the offer for mediated talks with the Government continues to be ignored.
In a statement, New Zealand Police said officers were strengthening the policing of abusive behaviour around the protest, as well as traffic management and road traffic controls.
"Regular reassurance patrols of local businesses have been increased," police said.
"Staff have also been instructed to take a zero-tolerance approach to any abuse, intimidation or violence against members of the public."
The Wellington Hill St resident wanted protesters to wear a mask, for the streets to be cleared so people could walk freely without harassment, and for protesters to stick to the lawns of Parliament.
"I am furious about the occupation of the bus exchange, I mean it's a parking lot campsite now.
"That doesn't affect the politicians. It's not going to change anyone's view on mandates, all it creates is a complete standstill of public infrastructure in Wellington. It's nothing but disruptive."
While he wanted to see the streets cleared, he was concerned that he could end up in the middle of a riot if the police stepped in.
"If we see the breakout of a riot - which I think if the police do eventually move in, is a real possibility - it will be instigated by those more extreme people, but the reality of mob rule and people who feel pissed off is that they will join in.
"And all of a sudden, we will be right in the middle of a riot."
Residents were contacted by the protesters about a week ago to see if they'd allow a medical tent to be set up in garages or a back garden who they told to contact the public health service, he said.
"If we were having a party on the street, A - it would get shut down, and B - it wouldn't be masking over that more like dangerous underbelly of the whole thing whereby people are still being abused."
Police said parked vehicles around the protest area swelled to approximately 2000 on Saturday, with about 800 of those illegally parked. A small number of vehicles were towed.
Police said engagement with protest leaders had been "positive" over the weekend.
"Security and safety" were the focus of talks, police said in their statement.
Meanwhile, a counter-protest is being launched in response to the Parliament convoy.
Matthew Tukaki from the National Māori Authority said an overwhelming number of people had been in touch with him saying they have had enough.
He said the vast number of Wellingtonians were fed up with the disruption to their lives, the abuse, and the desecration of the memories of servicemen and women.
Tukaki said it would be an online protest without confrontation, intimidation, abuse or threatening behaviour.
Police said there would be an increased presence around the start and end of each day.
"Anyone abusing or intimidating members of the public can expect to be arrested, removed, and face charges," they said.