A witness at the scene counted at least 15 police officers, most of whom were armed with Glock pistols.
The incident led police to the Head Hunters' West Auckland gang headquarters, where armed officers surrounded the pad on Sunday afternoon.
"They've surrounded the Head Hunters base and they're demanding they come out one by one at gunpoint."
Armed police surrounded the Head Hunters' gang headquarters in Henderson on Sunday. Photo / Hayden Woodward
Five Head Hunters gang members were arrested following the incident in New Lynn.
A second police officer was a close contact of the injured man's partner. Both Waitematā District officers are isolating for the next 14 days.
An Auckland District Health Board spokesperson confirmed the man who was injured on Sunday is stable and in their care.
While they could not comment on individual patients, the spokesperson confirmed there's no concern of exposure to Covid-19.
"However, we can confirm there's no concern about incidents of exposure to Covid-19 due to this patient being in our hospital."
A police spokesperson said all attending staff at this incident had been wearing appropriate PPE.
Earlier this month a fully vaccinated Auckland police officer tested positive for Covid after they and three other officers assisted a Covid-positive woman.
On September 11 police staff were wearing masks incorrectly when they came into contact with an offender who later tested positive for Covid.