There were 51 new cases of COVID-19 in the community on Sunday. 47 in Auckland and 4 in Waikato.
Video / Dean Purcell / Jason Oxenham / Sylvie Whinray / Michael Craig
A West Auckland outdoor fitness class has been identified as a location of interest linked to at least one person infected with Covid-19.
Anytime Fitness Outdoor Class in Glen Eden has been added to the locations of interest list four times over two days:
The Washington Apartments building site in Eden Terrace has been linked to a Covid-positive case several times in the past two weeks - with the latest exposure event listed as Wednesday last week.
A person who has tested positive for the virus was in the vicinity on the following days and times:
The Washington Apartments in Eden Terrace, Auckland. Image / Google
Anyone who has been at the apartment complex is being told to self-isolate immediately for 14 days after the date of exposure.
"Test immediately and five and 12 days after you were exposed."
People exposed to the apartments are advised to record their visit on the ministry's website or to contact Healthline.
Covid positive cases at two Auckland locations yesterday
Countdown New Lynn, inside the LynnMall Shopping Centre in West Auckland, has been linked to shoppers with Covid. Image / Google
A Covid-infected member of the public was shopping at an Auckland supermarket yesterday.
The shopper was there for 10 minutes on Sunday morning between 10am and 10.10am.
Anyone who was there at the same time is advised to monitor their health for any Covid symptoms for the next 14 days. If any symptoms start to show, get tested immediately.
The supermarket - inside the LynnMall Shopping Centre on Great North Rd - is also linked to a visit by an infected person on Friday afternoon between 3pm and 5pm.
Another visit by a Covid positive member of the public yesterday is recorded at the BP Connect Takanini, at 102 Great South Rd in Takanini, South Auckland.
BP Connect Takanini was visited by a Covid positive case yesterday between 1.30pm and 2.30pm. Image / Google
The person was there between 1.30pm and 2.30pm yesterday and anyone at the service station during that time is advised to monitor their health for 14 days and to get tested for Covid if symptoms develop.
More locations around Auckland were announced by health authorities just before 12.30pm.
2pm update
• Finlayson Liquor Shop Clendon Park: 3/140 Finlayson Ave, Clendon Park. Thursday October 14 between 10.30am and 11.30am.
• Sal's Pizza Royal Oak: 122 Symonds St, Royal Oak. Monday October 11 between 7.30pm and 7.45pm.
• Chatters Laundromat Manurewa: G/255A Browns Rd, Manurewa. Saturday October 16 between 9.30am and 11am.
• New World Milford: 141 Kitchener Rd, Milford. Thursday October 14 between 3.51pm and 4pm.
New World Milford was visited by a person with Covid-19 on Thursday October 14 between 3.51pm and 4pm. Photo / Google
Although New World Milford was only visited for nine minutes, health officials are asking shoppers during the specified time to self-monitor for Covid-19 symptoms for the next two weeks.
The same advice goes to anyone who visited Sal's Pizza, Chatters Laundromat and Finlayson Liquor Shop.
If symptoms develop the Ministry of Health is asking they get tested and stay home until a negative test is returned.
Countdown Lincoln Rd in Henderson, West Auckland, was visited by an infected person on Saturday afternoon. Image / Google
Countdown Lincoln Rd in Henderson, West Auckland, is connected to a person with Covid who was there on Saturday afternoon.
The person visited the supermarket - on the corner of Lincoln Rd and Universal Drive - between 1.32pm and 1.42pm that day.
Anyone who was there at the same time is told to monitor their health for the next 14 days after exposure and to get tested for Covid if symptoms start to show.
More places of interest and Covid exposure events are expected to be released today.
A total of 34 locations or exposure events were identified yesterday, with several released in the ministry's last update at 6pm.
Last night's update
• Flatbush Superette: 1B Piako St, Otara, South Auckland. Thurs Oct 14, 11.15am-1.05pm