It's believed the victim is recovering in Auckland Hospital.
However, a police spokesperson confirmed two of its Waitemata officers were now isolating as the Herald understands the victim's partner was awaiting transfer to managed isolation due to her positive result.
The victim was also understood to be awaiting a test result when he was allegedly shot.
His test is understood to have come back positive.
"Two police staff members from the Waitematā District are self-isolating after an incident where they were exposed to people who later tested positive for Covid-19," the spokesperson said.
"The first officer was a close contact of a man hospitalised after a firearms incident in New Lynn on Sunday.
"A second officer was a close contact of the injured man's partner."
Both officers were now isolating for 14 days on advice provided by health authorities.
Armed police on View Rd, Henderson as they make an arrest at a Head Hunters gang house. Photo / Hayden Woodward
"Police will ensure there is support in place for the two staff members.
"All attending staff at this incident were wearing appropriate PPE."
Police confirmed the victim remained in a serious but stable condition and their investigation is ongoing.
The man who was hospitalised on Sunday remains in a serious but stable condition. The Police investigation remains ongoing into the incident.
A spokesperson for the ADHB confirmed the victim was now stable in hospital.
They also confirmed that there was no concern about "incidents of exposure to Covid-19 due to this patient being in our hospital".