The woman tried to take on hundreds of protesters. Here's how it played out. Photo / TikTok
The woman tried to take on hundreds of protesters. Here's how it played out. Photo / TikTok
A Kiwi woman has gone viral on social media after she attempted to single-handedly halt an anti-mandate and lockdown protest in Nelson by performing a kung-fu move.
Thousands of Kiwis have taken to the streets over the past few weeks to showcase their fury at the Government introducing near-nationwide mandates and placing regions into alert level lockdowns.
Despite the loud minority taking to the streets, one woman decided to face them front on.
The unknown woman faced a human tide as hundreds walked down Trafalgar Street in Nelson - but she wasn't phased and stood firm.
In footage posted to social media, the woman jumped in the way of the protesters, with someone saying "they're not going to stop, lady".
Instead of moving to the side, she held a kung-fu pose hoping to stop the protesters in their tracks.
Unfortunately for the woman, the protesters lifted their banner that said "freedom for all Kiwis" above her head and continued to march past the defiant woman.
The moment has since gone viral, with people calling it an iconic "only in New Zealand" moment of history.
"You have three props and three wingers on that front line. At what point did she believe they were going to stop?" one joked.
The woman tried to take on hundreds of protesters. Here's how it played out. Photo / TikTok
Another said: "Kung fu grandma love it!"
A third added: "Okay let's give nana an award for the best reaction to protesting."
It's not the first time someone has done their bit and stood up to those hesitant of the Covid-19 vaccine.
Earlier this month, a woman was approaching vaccine-hesitant men and encouraging them to go and get their jab.
In a tweet, a person said the "aunty" was "waving down cars" and telling them to go get the vaccine.
"Apparently there's an Aunty stopping traffic in Mangamuka (Taitokerau), waving cars down and making grown anti-vax-leaning men go and get their jab in the van. Classic," one person revealed.
Apparently there’s an Aunty stopping traffic in Mangamuka (Taitokerau), waving cars down and making grown anti-vax-leaning men go and get their jab in the van. Classic.
The Nelson woman's Kung-fu move comes as controversial Destiny Church leader Brian Tamaki was called before a judge on Tuesday regarding new allegations he violated Covid-19 lockdown orders.
However, he was allowed to remain on bail with altered conditions that bar him explicitly from attending protests at Auckland Domain.
Auckland District Court Judge Steve Bonnar QC, clearly showing frustration, issued the decision hours after Tamaki was summoned to an Auckland police station alongside wife and church co-founder Hannah Tamaki.
"You have been skating on very thin ice today," the judge said. "I have seriously considered whether you should be remanded in custody."
Tamaki pleaded not guilty through his lawyer to the new lockdown violation charge, as well as an allegation he violated the conditions of his bail.
"I want to make it abundantly clear that to you, Mr Tamaki, if we have this situation arise again it is entirely possible you will be remanded in custody until these matters are determined," he said.
For the first time, Hannah Tamaki was also charged on Tuesday. However, she was immediately released on police bail and won't immediately be called to court for a first appearance, authorities said.