This week our country has been lucky enough to downgrade our alert level thanks to the success of our actions during the lockdown.
But I have been upset to notice that people (and even some businesses) have become way too relaxed about the pandemic.
It seems as though people are comfortable to return back to the norm, as reports swirl around about customers not adhering to physical distancing rules, or fast food giants not providing a contactless service.
I have also noticed myself that couriers and food delivery drivers have been happy to hand me and my flatmate's parcels directly, instead of placing them on the ground.
I find it extremely unnerving that people have become complacent about touching strangers, without even knowing where they have been, meanwhile the world continues to suffer increasing Covid-19 cases.
Food delivery drivers waiting for deliveries outside McDonald's in Grey Lynn. Does that look like physical distancing to you? Photo / Supplied
And, yes, you could debate that New Zealand is down to singular numbers, which is great, but it only takes one person who is infected with Covid-19 to step out into the public and pass it on to someone else.
The potentially infected person could be standing right behind you while you're waiting in line, or the courier driver who came in contact with an infected person and then directly hands you a parcel.
The possibilities are endless for a second wave of infections to rush across New Zealand, if people don't become more strict with their precautions.
According to reports, a northern region of Japan, the island of Hokkaido, is currently experiencing a second wave of infections - and deaths - that experts say could have been avoided if the state of emergency had not been lifted too early.
Other countries including Hong Kong, Taiwan, and Singapore have also all suffered a second wave while Italy and China are reportedly preparing for their own.
Today, Ardern pointed out there have been 185 breaches under level 3 and the common themes of complaints from the public include lack of social distancing, business breaches by patrons or staff, safe operating practices for cafes, recreational activities and in-home gatherings.
Burger Fuel customers caught not adhering to physical distancing rules. Photo / Facebook
"Extra activity comes with extra responsibility," she urged before saying people should continue to act as if they have Covid-19.
This is a timely reminder alert level 3 is a lot like alert level 4, with the difference of a lot of people returning to work, people allowing to extend their family bubble and children being allowed to return to school if needed.
This means people have to wait longer to see their family and friends.
So next time people decide that it's okay to flout restrictions, just remember that our country can easily return to a lockdown way of life in the blink of an eye.