The Prime Minister has revealed that Auckland will stay in lockdown until 11:59pm on Sunday and the city and the rest of New Zealand will remain at alert level 2 after that.
In just 36 hours Aucklanders will be back at alert level 2 - but it won't be quite the same as last time. Isaac Davison explains.
Auckland will move to alert level 2 at midnight on Sunday.
The rest of New Zealand will remain at level 2.
There are a couple of key differences to the last time Auckland was in level 2 in May, in particular around gatherings and masks.
Alert level 2 is the "reduce" phase. It means Covid-19 is contained, but there is still a risk of community transmission.
Gatherings in Auckland will be limited to 10. In the past, level 2 allowed gatherings of up to 100 people. Outside Auckland, this higher limit will still apply.
The exception in Auckland is for funerals and tangihanga, which can have up to 50 people.
The second major difference is that masks or face coverings will be compulsory on public transport and planes.
"We know masks protect you and the people around you," Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern said. "They limit the chance of Covid-19 spreading in places where is often harder to distance yourself and to trace people."
In other public places, people are encouraged to wear masks.
Can I leave the house?
Yes - but make sure you follow public health measures. Keep 2m from people on the street or in stores like the supermarket or dairies. And don't go out if you're sick.
If you're at higher risk of severe illness from contracting Covid 19, then should take additional precautions.
You can bike, drive and catch buses, too. Just make sure you keep records of any travel services you use (public transport cards hold this information). Don't travel if you have Covid symptoms or are waiting for a Covid test result.
Regional travel will resume, allowing people to leave and enter Auckland's Super City limits. Police checkpoints will be removed.
Can I go to work?
Yes - all workplaces, including ones with face-to-face interaction, can open. Make sure you keep your distance from other people in public, keep washing your hands, and keep track of where you've been and who you've met with.
You're also encouraged to wear a face covering if you can.
All early childhood centres, schools, polytechs and universities will be open.
Can I have a party?
You can have a gathering of no more than 10 people in Auckland, or 100 everywhere else. That includes weddings, church services, community sport, and private functions. As above, funerals can have up to 50 people in Auckland.
If you are the host, you should keep records on who attends for contact tracing purposes - unless every person at the event knows each other. There should be physical distancing where possible, and surfaces should be kept clean.
Cafes, bars, and other places where people might gather have to make sure that groups don't mingle with each other - such as in queues to the bathroom.
If you're sick you should stay home.
Can I go to public spaces like the gym or the pub?
Yes - many public venues will be open at level 2, including gyms, pools, museums, libraries, cinemas, bars, restaurants and community centres.
Cafes and bars and other spaces can have up to 100 people. This includes Auckland, as long as they are separated into groups of 10. People must also be seated and ideally only be served by one person.
You can also get a haircut.
All these businesses and places must display Covid tracer QR codes and make sure individuals are kept 1m apart. You're also encouraged to wear a mask at these places.
Can I exercise outdoors and play sports?
Yes - you can do all of your usual fitness or recreation activities, as long as you do them safely.
That includes walking, biking, swimming, hunting, and boating. You can also go whitebaiting.
Should I still get tested?
If you have cold or flu symptoms - definitely. Call Healthline (0800 358 5453), your doctor or iwi health provider and they will talk you through it.