I miss seeing my friends at the pub on Saturday afternoons, the noise of too many people huddled together around a small table, several conversations going on at once.
I miss taking my child to the playground. I miss seeing her face light up when I pick her up from daycare.
I miss being able to leave my town. I miss hugging my friends. I miss patting people's dogs. I miss going for a long walk up a hill.
New Zealand will come out of lockdown to a new normal - and it needs to be decidedly different from the old one. Photo / Getty Images
But there are a lot of things I don't miss.
I don't miss the time when we didn't care this much about the people around us.
The pandemic has forced us to care more about people - the individual and the collective. It proved that it can be done.
And it shouldn't only be done when we're in a pandemic.
We can look after each other. We can help people who lose their jobs, we can have people working from home or in flexible working arrangements if they need it.
We can drive less. We can be more conscious about how we consume things - essential and non-essential.
We can plan better, we can waste less.
We clearly can put mortgages on hold when people can't pay them for a while. We can freeze rents. We can do away with late payment fees and other nonsense stuff like that that only adds unnecessary stress to people's lives.
We can bring down pollution levels. We can get shelter for homeless people.
We can prioritise elderly people or those who are immune compromised. We can make sure they navigate life safely, with priority shopping and whatever else they need to stay well.