The latest MIQ worker who tested positive for Covid-19 wasn't also vaccinated. It comes amid revelations that 20 per cent of border staff have yet to get the jab protecting them against coronavirus.
The security guard who tested positive for Covid-19 last week travelled on three different buses, Auckland Public Regional Health has revealed.
Passengers who were on the buses are considered to be casual contacts as the security guard sat away from others and wore a mask.
However, ARPHS is asking people to watch for symptoms and get tested if they become unwell.
Bus journey details:
• Monday 29 March, bus 25 L, taken between 6.19 and 6.44, from St James, Queen St (Stop 7058) to 1530 Dominion Rd, (Stop 8444)
This information is from hop card data and reflects the time the case boarded and disembarked the buses. Extra time has been added on either side of each bus trip on the Ministry of Health Location of Interest page to ensure all potential contacts are reached.
Face coverings are still mandatory on public transport.
Auckland Transport says it is continuing to ensure that all public transport is being cleaned throughout its daily service.
"Buses, trains and ferries are being spot-checked, with surfaces being sanitised, and AT has enhanced its cleaning regime to include antimicrobial protection fogging [spraying] of facilities," AT said.
A pop-up testing centre is opening at the Mt Roskill War Memorial Hall, on May Road, from today. Image / Google
The guard was working at the Grand Millennium MIQ facility when he was infected. He tested positive last week and the strain was linked back to a cleaner who was infected at the hotel last month.
A second guard tested positive yesterday. The pair worked a shift together over the Easter break.
Pop-up testing site opening in Mt Roskill from today
In response to the latest cases visiting several places in the Mt Roskill area, a pop-up testing centre will open today and tomorrow at the Mt Roskill War Memorial Hall at 15 May Rd.
The Auckland Regional Public Health Service made the announcement via its social media pages last night.
The testing site will open from 10am until 4.30pm today, tomorrow (Wednesday) and Friday from 8.30am to 4.30pm.
Locations of interest
In addition to the bus rides the guard visited six locations of interest. They are: • Local Barber Mt Roskill South, April 7 (2pm - 4pm) • Funtech, Queen St, March 29 (5.20pm - 6.25pm) • Bikanervala Bakery, White Swan Rd - April 7 - 1.30pm to 2.30pm • Bake and Beans, 1484 Dominion Rd – April 1, April 2, April 6 - 4.30pm to 5.30pm • Terminus Dairy in Dominion Rd, March 29, March 31; April 1, April 6 and April 7 (all times 4.30pm - 5.30pm for each of the days)
The symptoms of Covid-19 include one or more of the following: • a new or worsening cough, fever (at least 38C), shortness of breath, a sore throat, sneezing and runny nose, temporary loss of smell. • Some people may have less typical symptoms such as only: fever, diarrhoea, headache, muscle pain, nausea/vomiting, or confusion/irritability.
Anyone who has shown these symptoms, or who develops them, should free phone Healthline for advice (0800 358 5453) and arrange to get tested.