With the nationwide lockdown now in force, Police Commissioner Mike Bush speaks to Newstalk ZB’s Mike Hosking. Audio / Newstalk ZB
As the country is placed into a historic lockdown in the bid to fight Covid-19, the New Zealand Police have more police officers than ever before.
This week 59 new constables graduated from training at the Royal New Zealand Police College, pushing the number of constabulary staff up to the 10,000 mark for the first time ever.
The patron of the wing is the Director-General of Health Dr Ashley Bloomfield.
"There are no extraordinary people, there are just ordinary people doing extraordinary things, and you too, in a week's time, will be called on to do extraordinary things," Bloomfield told the new recruits at Monday's graduation ceremony.
Constable Tayla Davey has previously provided care to the elderly. Photo / NZ Police
New constables Georgia Biss, Tayla Davey and Katharina Stapper have previously provided care to elderly people and they are keen to help the vulnerable people in their communities.
Constable Katie Hay has earned the Minister's Award as the top student in the wing.
Policing is not new to Hay as she has worked at the Orewa Police public counter and then in the Waitematā North Family Harm Team over the past few years.
Katie Hay was the top graduate and Harry Young won the Leadership award. Photo / Police
Her links to policing go even deeper as her father was a police officer in the United Kingdom for 30 years and is now a New Zealand Police employee.
Constable Harry Young received the Leadership Award.
"Harry has brought outstanding leadership skills to his police training, which have been developed through his time in the New Zealand Army and working in the security and fitness industries," a police spokesperson said.
Wing368 Patron and Director General of Health Ashley Bloomfield and Police Commissioner Mike Bush. Photo / Police
After the graduates were sworn in, Bloomfield and Police Commissioner Mike Bush spoke to them in groups of 10, in a large room where social distancing of at least two metres was maintained.
Bush said to them: "These are unprecedented times. I know that you will do us proud and what a time to be starting in this career. Your families will be proud of you and we are sorry that they could not share this wonderful day with you."
Family and friends of the graduates as well as the media were not invited to the graduation ceremony due to measures in place to help stop the spread of Covid-19.
Minister's Award recognising top student – Constable Katie Hay, Waitematā District Patron's Award for second top student – Constable Andrew Patterson, Central District Commissioner's Award for Leadership – Constable Harry Young, Counties Manukau District Physical Training and Defensive Tactics Award – Constable Dean Bruning, Counties Manukau District Driver Training and Road Policing Practice Award – Constable Dean Bruning, Counties Manukau District Firearms Award – Constable Emma Ball, Canterbury District
Deployment information
The new constables are starting their Police duties in their districts on March 30.
The wing is being dispersed as follows: Waitematā – 6 Auckland – 8 Counties Manukau – 14 Waikato – 1 Bay of Plenty – 3 Eastern – 2 Central – 8 Wellington – 6 Tasman – 4 Canterbury – 5 Southern – 2