There are 29 new cases of Covid-19 since yesterday and Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern says New Zealanders have saved lives by staying at home over the past fortnight.
Almost 500 people have been caught out breaching the national lockdown so far.
And that number could climb over the long weekend as police ramp up efforts to catch those flouting the rules.
As of today there have been 582 breaches of the Civil Defence Emergency Act or the Health Act.
Of that number, there have been 331 breaches recorded under the CDEM Act, and 151 under the Health Act.
In total 61 people have been prosecuted, 407 officially warned and 14 young people referred to Youth Aid.
He was charged with breaching the restrictions of the lockdown.
Two people appeared in court earlier this week charged with breaching the lockdown rules in Wellington.
The man and woman, who don't appear to be connected to each other, were each separately charged with failing to comply with the direction of a medical officer of health, namely to "self isolate".
The maximum sentence for the charge is six months' imprisonment and a fine of $4000.
Nathan Manu Murphy, 29, was arrested last night after having previously been warned and educated on the alert level 4 restrictions, a police spokeswoman said.
A 49-year-old woman, who has interim name suppression, was also arrested.
"The woman had previously been warned and educated on the alert level 4 restrictions. This morning she was in a vehicle and seen to be acting suspiciously on this basis she was spoken to and arrested," a police spokeswoman said.
Kiwis have been repeatedly warned to stay home this weekend and not travel to baches or other destinations.
"Travelling to and from different towns and cities risks spreading Covid-19, and puts lives at risk," a police spokesperson said.
"Travelling to the bach for a holiday is not essential travel and it is not permitted."
Police Commissioner Andrew Coster said checkpoints could be expected along popular holiday traffic routes.
Coster said the measures would help ensure people were aware of lockdown requirements - that if you were not out for an "essential" purpose, then you should be at home.
"We know many New Zealanders may have been planning to catch up with friends and family this weekend or travel to traditional holiday destinations, but we urge anyone who was planning to do this - please change your plans and stay home," he said.
"To help ensure people know about the Health Act restrictions, police will be out and about checking that people are travelling for essential purposes only."
Such purposes include if you are heading out to get food items, medical supplies, for medical appointments, or if you are an essential worker.