People queued outside The Warehouse at The Base Shopping Centre at 8am today. Many others were spotted there as early as 7am. Photo / Belinda Feek
People queued outside The Warehouse at The Base Shopping Centre at 8am today. Many others were spotted there as early as 7am. Photo / Belinda Feek
It maybe the first day of level 2, but there was no massive rush for shoppers hitting Hamilton today.
While there were a few queues at the likes of The Warehouse and Kmart early this morning, they were moving pretty steady.
Management at The Base Shopping Centre appear ready for the influx though, with traffic management and signage in place outside the complex in Te Rapa.
Unlike in other parts of the country, including Auckland, where barbers opened up at 12.01am to get stuck into haircuts those hanging out, it appears those living in Hamilton and its surrounds aren't in too much of a rush.
The lack of chaos also surprised many who had decided to get up early and head to the shops.
Robyn Chambers, of Hamilton, was up and out of the house at 6.40am. She drove past Kmart and noticed more than 50 people had braved the brisk conditions to get in early.
A similar queue was outside The Warehouse.
However, she was standing by herself, first in the queue outside Postie when the Herald caught up with her about 8.30am.
After leaving home she grabbed a coffee, drove around and then opted to wait until 9am for her favourite store to open to do a big shop for clothes for herself and her partner.
"I just came over here because it's easy. I need to get my partner shirts and I need a couple of skivvies ... underwear, pyjamas and a pair of jeans. I've got my list."
She was then going to brave nearby Westfield Chartwell to continue her shopping experience.
Keen shoppers queue up outside Kmart in Te Rapa, Hamilton, this morning. Photo / Belinda Feek
As for lockdown, she was pleased to have more freedom but fully backed the Government's level alert system.
"I hope that everybody behaves ... I think they've done a lot of work and wouldn't want that job on my shoulders."
Shirley and Bruce Alcock we're two of many lining up outside The Warehouse at 8am.
They'd travelled from Huntly to get some supplies - potting mix. Their next stop would be the hairdressers.
Hamilton couple Sarah and Zac were also queuing to stock up on thermals.
They were looking forward to level 2, getting back to work, but anxious about the madness with crowds today.
Across at The Sharing Shed at The Base, Ngaruawahia's Vikki Barton was patiently waiting for it to open since arriving at 8am.