More than half reported being treated unfairly due to their place of work.
This included accessing health services like the dentist or attending hospital appointments.
"I cannot access my GP, I feel like people think we have the plague," one respondent said.
"I needed to cancel my daughter's birthday party because people didn't want to come because I work in MIQ," another said.
More than half of the respondents reported being treated unfairly due to their position, some by family members others by people in their neighbourhood, and affected making or keeping friends.
The majority, 70 per cent, expressed concern about public scrutiny if they contracted Covid-19 while working and were worried about the continued negative media coverage.
"I want to be proud of my job...I feel that I have to hide my position from so many people, businesses and other facilities in the community for fear of being rejected simply because of where I work," a respondent said.
However, the survey also found that the majority of workers were proud of their contribution to the country's Covid-19 response.
65 per cent said they felt valued by the guests who stayed in the facilities.
53 per cent said they felt valued as an employee by management of the facilities.
A small number felt they had been treated more positively because of their role.