There are no new Covid-19 cases today and Director-General of Health Ashley Bloomfield said it is his "great hope" that New Zealand has seen the last of the deaths associated with coronavirus.
Be safe, have fun but perhaps don't try any new lockdown dance moves are the key messages from Dr Ashley Bloomfield as bars reopen today.
Speaking at this afternoon's press conference, where he revealed the country had another day of zero new Covid-19 cases, Bloomfield addressed Kiwis about bars being able to open their doors.
"As you'll be aware bars and pubs reopen today under alert level 2.
"It will be a great chance to catch up with a friend and support your local business.
"This may not, however, be the time to publicly try out any new dance moves you have learned over the lockdown, so do have fun if you are heading out to a bar or pub in coming days, do support the staff by ensuring that you do so from your seat and from your small group."
He reminded people that pubs and bars were still restricted under level 2 requirements which included limiting interaction between groups, staff and other customers.
Hospitality providers were also obliged to gather contact details of those entering their premises.
He reminded Kiwis to be honest and give their correct details.
"The whole purpose of this is to ensure that you can be contacted to protect your health and of course the health of your family ad the wider community should it be necessary."
Police have also reminded people to enjoy themselves but to be careful.
"The key thing is to play it safe - stick to the rules and have a plan to get home.
"People should be able to enjoy themselves, but don't go too hard with their drinking."
Covid-19 alert level restrictions were still in place around mass gatherings which meant additional rules for pubs and bars having groups no larger than 10 with a 1m separation between tables, and have a single server.
"Most New Zealanders are doing the right thing and acting responsibly.
"We don't want to risk the gains we've made so far."
Chambers also reminded people not to drink and drive.