PM Jacinda Ardern said there was "high confidence" that the Auckland cluster had been contained.
Auckland will drop into alert level 1 at 11.59pm on Wednesday night, Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has confirmed.
The long-awaited move was confirmed during today's coronavirus media briefing, where Ardern announced level 1 would kick in at 11.59pm on Wednesday.
Auckland has been at alert levels 3, 2, and 2.5 since a community outbreak in August.
The discovery of new cases of community transmission also sent the rest of the country into alert level 2, but everywhere aside from Auckland has been operating under relaxed restrictions since last month.
Under level 1, Aucklanders will now be able to go about life as usual, though Ardern urged people to remain vigilant.
She said the number of scans recorded on the Government Covid-19 tracer app had halved, and warned people against "complacency".
"It is still a requirement that businesses display the QR code so please, do keep checking in.
"To stay at level 1 relies on all of us continuing to be vigilant and playing our part . . . Keep using the app, scan in everywhere you go, and remind the people you are with to do the same."
She also urged people to stay home if they were sick, and to call Healthline and get tested if asked to.
"Resurgence of the virus is not our only worry, resurgence of complacency is right up there too," she said.
In level 2, residents were expected to maintain social distancing, keep gatherings to a 100-person limit, and wearing masks on public transport was mandatory.
In level 2.5 gatherings were limited to 10 people, and in level 3 residents were encouraged to stay home, and many businesses were closed.
At level 1 people using public transport are not required to wear a mask, though Ardern said she wanted to encourage a culture of continuing to wear them.
Today's announcement was welcome news to the city, which was dealt an economic blow by the second outbreak.
Ardern said the Auckland cluster was the country's largest, with 179 cases. But there was now a 95 per cent probability the cluster had been fully contained.
Positive community cases of the virus were last reported in Auckland on September 23.
Yesterday, Ardern said the country's Covid response had been tracking as expected, but she would not speculate about today's decision.
"Any decision that is made won't come into force until Wednesday; that's because we need to give notice about the rule changes," she said.
Auckland Mayor Phil Goff immediately welcomed the Government's decision.
"Aucklanders have for the second time united to successfully halt community transmission of Covid-19 and I want to thank them for the sacrifices they have made to achieve this result," he said.
"It's great news for businesses, which will be able to trade again as normal under Level 1, providing a welcome boost for the economy. It's also great news for Aucklanders who can enjoy gathering with friends and family and attending major events as normal," Goff said.
"I encourage everyone to get out and support local business, cafés and restaurants and make the most of everything our beautiful city has to offer.
"The Elemental Festival is in full swing, with more than 40 events across Auckland, and the Diwali Festival is set to light up the region from 27 October to 14 November.
The Ministry of Health today announced one new case of coronavirus caught at the border, and no new cases in the community. There are 40 active cases at the moment, six of which are community cases.
Meanwhile, new requirements for air crew came into effect last night, after changes were made under the Covid-19 Public Health Response Act 2020.
All New Zealand-based air crew must now use PPE on all flights and isolate with other crew members while on overseas layovers, and when in New Zealand.
New Zealand-based crew returning here from high-risk locations overseas now must self-isolate for at least 48 hours after they return, and until they are assessed as being low risk of having Covid-19, including receiving a negative test.
Overseas-based air crew must wear appropriate PPE while in New Zealand airports and whenever travelling between the airport and their hotel.