The Prime Minister has revealed that Auckland will stay in lockdown until 11:59pm on Sunday and the city and the rest of New Zealand will remain at alert level 2 after that.
An Auckland principal says parents nervous about sending their children to school next week should speak with their schools directly about their concerns.
The alert level 3 lockdown will subside from midnight Sunday and Auckland will enter alert level 2, joining the rest of the nation, for at least a week.
All early childhood centres, schools, polytechs and universities will open from Monday.
The rest of the country will stay at level 2 and remain there after the weekend.
The alert level restrictions next week - level 2 around the country, including Auckland - will be in place for a week and be reviewed on September 6.
Ardern said the review on September 6 was genuine and she didn't want to give any expectations - for big events, for example - about a staged move to level 1.
The extra days would allow Auckland to move down a level "and stay down", Jacinda Ardern said.
A phased move to level 2 would also happen; Mass gatherings will be restricted to 10 people at level 2, and a 50-person limit would be in place for funerals and tangi.
Ardern said everyone will be required to wear masks on public transport for level 2 and above, and this will come into force on Monday.