Cousins Tee and Zee are fundraising to get themselves to Hollywood. Video supplied.
Two "Kiwi cuzzies on a mission" have set their sights on Hollywood and are using their "fresh prince" moves to get them there.
Zee Sharp, 11, and Tee Lane, 12, have been selected for the New Zealand Black Stars team to perform at the World Championships of Performing Arts in Hollywood in July this year.
Zee will do three dance performances and a variety show with her cousin and best friend Tee.
"It's just like the Olympics but with performing arts, not sport. You get a medal," she explained to the Herald.
"We want to show everyone that we can do it. That Kiwis can fly."
Zee Sharp, 11, and Tee Lane, 12, are fundraising to perform at the World Championships of Performing Arts in Hollywood. Photo / Supplied
The cousins grew up performing countless Christmas plays, dance performances and fashion shows for their families. Now they want to follow their dreams and share their passion for dance, singing, modelling and performing with the world.
The girls are hoping to fundraise $24,000 which will go towards flights, accommodation and competition entry fees for the two girls who will be accompanied by Zee's mum Renee Sharp and Tee's dad Cake Lane, who are brother and sister.
They have already raised around $2000 themselves by holding a sausage sizzle and busking in the Viaduct and the Takapuna Markets.
The girls have subjected their families to countless fashion shows, dance performances and Christmas plays. Photo / Supplied
Zee, who wants to be a ballerina in the Royal New Zealand Ballet, said performing gives her a high and she has always loved it, ever since she started dancing as a 2 year old.
"It makes me feel happy and magical."
Zee's mum wrote a creative rap for the girls to the Fresh Prince of Bel-Air theme tune. The girls then spent a few hours rapping and filming it around Takapuna beach to make a video named The Fresh Princess's of WCOPA.
Tee Lane, 12, and Zee Sharp, 11, are best friends, cousins and performance partners. Photo / Supplied
Some excerpts from the lyrics include:
"Now this is a story all about how two cousins' lives turned upside down. This will only take a minute, just stay right there, and we can tell you how a helping hand you can lend.
"In the south of Auckland Zee was born and raised, in the studio is where she spent most of her days … Now Tee's from North Shore it's all good, we're best friends from different neighbourhoods."