Councils may have to bow to central government's preference as far as some local activities go, with Prime Minister John Key today saying it was not a local body's job to fund projects the Government had decided not to.
Local Government Minister Nick Smith yesterday released details about planned changes for the sector, including legislation to redefine the role of local bodies.
Dr Smith said councils' focus should be on local services, rather than ones that should be provided by central government, and the plan made that clear.
"Having local government with about 4 per cent of GDP involved in every possible area is not that efficient or effective, we're better to have them focused on things that only they can do and doing them really well,'' he said.
Legislation will be introduced to Parliament in May to amend the Local Government Act to replace references to the "social, economic, environmental and cultural well-being of communities'' in the purpose clause, and rewritten to make councils' new purpose "providing good quality local infrastructure, public services and regulatory functions at the least possible cost to households and business''.