There are fears that badly repaired earthquake-damaged homes could become Christchurch's version of the leaky homes fiasco.
Getting repairs and rebuilds under way has been slow going for many residents and even those who have had work done could face more problems.
Architect John Chaplin, whose own home needs repairs, said much of the work was done under schedule one of the Building Act, which made it exempt from the usual checks. "This is most often under the direction of the insurer and project management officer as it reduces costs and avoids the complication of consent documentation and a more robust inspection process."
Officially, all work had to comply with the Building Code but nobody was giving assurances or taking liability, he said. If work underway proved beyond the scope of what could be done without a consent, the normal process would be for the council to stop the work and require consents. But the council was not aware of the exempt projects so could not monitor them. "It's a Catch-22 because unless the council knows about it, it can't issue a notice to fix."