Take responsibility and be proactive about your health, writes Conor English. Photo / 123RF
Take responsibility and be proactive about your health, writes Conor English. Photo / 123RF
I felt great about turning 50. After six years, I had resigned my full-time job the day before my half-century birthday. I wanted to spend my 50s doing different adventurous things. So I set up our exporting company and started flying regularly to China, Russia, Kazakhstan and Rwanda, to hustle and sell a range of products and do other projects in those countries.
And as I had turned 50, I thought I would get a health Warrant of Fitness. So I went to my GP and asked him to give me all the tests that I could possibly have. I didn't care what they were, I just wanted the lot. No exceptions.
However, when he came to tick the box on the blood test form for a PSA test which can detect prostate cancer, his advice was that I should not have that test. He said you can get false positives and it can create unnecessary stress. He put his hand on my shoulder and said: "Conor you shouldn't do the test." Having been my doctor for quite some time, I acquiesced. He didn't tick that PSA test box with his ballpoint pen.
Listen to Jamie Mackay interview Conor English on The Country below:
As it happened, my doctor moved on and it wasn't until four years later that I did get a PSA test.
I went to a new doctor for another matter and asked him to do one as an aside. A couple of weeks later, as I was leaving his consultancy room he said to me the PSA results had just come back. I had my hand on the doorknob to exit the surgery. Glancing back at him, I asked what it said. It's elevated he said. I asked what that meant. He said I needed to see a specialist.
From there I had biopsies, MRIs, CT/PET scans, blood tests. Eventually I was diagnosed with having to deal with prostate cancer. Even more inconvenient, after further testing, it was confirmed that my cancer had spread beyond my prostate into my lymph system. This was an added risk and complication.
Obviously, it takes time for cancer to spread. And my cancer may have had four years to do just that.
More than 650 people a year die from prostate cancer, more than twice the 2020 road toll of 318 deaths (source MOT).
Since diagnosis, I have had an operation, six months of chemotherapy, a couple of months of radiotherapy, and ongoing hormone therapy. This is all a bit inconvenient, but it is a truth.
It is my inconvenient truth, but I don't want it to be yours. So take responsibility and be proactive about your health.
It may or may not have made a difference if I had had my PSA tested when I did my Warrant of Fitness at 50. Who knows? However, I do know that it would at least have given a baseline from which to measure. Logic suggests if I'd had a test that day, or in the next couple of years after that day, the cancer may have been detected earlier. Earlier detection simply leads to better treatment outcomes.
I would like to think that others might benefit from my experience. If you are a bloke and about 50, I would definitely suggest you get a PSA test. It's a simple tick in the box and costs nothing.
Don't get talked out of it.
My doctor suggested only one possible outcome – unnecessary stress.
Conor English in 2013. Photo / Paul Taylor
However, there are four possible outcomes; you take the test, it returns negative – that's a great day. Or secondly, it returns positive but on further testing you find out that there is not an issue. There's maybe been a little stress in between tests but in the end it's an even greater day! Or thirdly, if on further examination it is still positive, you have detected it as early as you can so you can get treatment underway, thus increasing your chances of survival – so a very useful day.
Or the last possible outcome - you don't take the test because of your doctor's advice. You do nothing. But you take it eventually, and on further examination you find out that you do have to deal with cancer, and perhaps it's spread a little. To say it's not such a great day is an understatement. That's the day we had and I don't want you to have that same sort of day.
So guys, make your choice - avoid some potentially unnecessary stress, or avoid an exceptionally inconvenient truth. Take responsibility for your health and get your PSA tested.
If your doctor says you shouldn't get a PSA test, get another doctor.
• Conor English is a director at Silvereye Communications and a number of other entities