Getting around Wellington may be made easier with a single card that could be used on the bus, train and harbour ferries.
An investigation into an integrated ticketing system for region-wide public transport has been started by Greater Wellington Regional Council and the NZ Transport Agency (NZTA).
People would be able to jump on and off all public transport without having to use different cards or separate tickets, said Peter Glensor, chair of the council's economic wellbeing committee.
David Lewry, the council's major public transport projects leader, said as an example, if someone wanted to get from Masterton to Lyall Bay in Wellington, they could catch the train from Masterton to Wellington station then catch a bus to Lyall Bay, all with a single card.
That kind of trip would also be cheaper under the new system. "There would be no need to use separate tickets or cards or pay separate fares, and the system would also introduce the potential for 'through' trips like this to be provided at a combined cost lower than paying for the two trips separately," he said.