Wairarapa schools will benefit from a grassroots comedy, Bitches' Box & Mel Parsons, performed at woolsheds around the region next month.
The show presents a unique take on farm life with individual performances by the trio of actresses Emma Newborn, Mel Parsons and Amelia Guild.
The show started after Guild and Newborn were at an artist's collective and turned a 10-minute piece into a full show. Parsons joined the act soon after.
Parson said she and Guild grew up on farms and had a ball getting back to their roots. It will be even more special for Parsons as her mother grew up where the Tinui show will be performed.
Each school has been donated goods for a sausage sizzle, to be held after the shows, by CMP and Riverlands. Schools to benefit are Tuturumuri, Wainuioru, Tinui and Alfredton.