Cleansing from the inside is another great way to boost the vibrancy of our skin.
Drinking lots of water and eating a nutrient-dense diet is the best habit we can make.
Sometimes the best way to make healthy changes is not to restrict ourselves. Rather than setting out to eat less of the foods we love - pizza, bread, icecream - it can help to decide to eat more of the good stuff. By consuming more whole foods, we naturally eat less processed, nutrient-poor varieties.
A great way to do this is to try to eat greens with every meal. A handful of spinach with your eggs in the morning, a salad with lunch, green beans, broccoli or bok choy with dinner.
Eating plants in their raw form can help the body to absorb more of their nutrients. Incorporating juices and smoothies into your diet that focus on vegetable content can increase the nutrient density. And that pays huge dividends not only for your skin but your energy levels.
Speaking of energy levels, it was Aristotle who said, "It is well to be up before daybreak, for such habits contribute to health, wealth and wisdom."
Getting up early means you can respond to people and events around the world, get a head start on others in your own time zone and find more time for exercise and family.
Research also shows that early risers tend to be happier and more proactive. Whether it's a simple achievement such as making the bed, writing a few emails or working on a project, the high you get from that early achievement sets up a healthy momentum for productivity throughout the day. Yet it can be challenging overhauling the routines our bodies are used to. So how best to do it? Rather than going to bed earlier and getting up earlier, to set your alarm for the same time each day and to go to sleep at night when you feel sleepy (and only when you feel sleepy). The other key is to get up as soon as that alarm goes off. Don't think about it, just roll out of bed.
As soon as you're up, try a calming yet energising activity to boost your circulation. Incorporating yoga into your morning routine is a wonderful way to cleanse the body, mind and spirit. Practising a few sun salutations each morning puts you in touch with your body, gets your energy flowing and sets you up for the day.
Yoga is great for reminding us of parts of our body we might have neglected. For instance, the feet ground us to the earth, keep us stable in times of stress and get us from a to b. So the simple act of looking after our feet can pay dividends for our mind and soul. By making time for a pedicure, we not only give our feet the love they deserve, but we reap the benefits for the next week or two. It needn't be an expensive beauty treatment either. Often the most satisfying foot spas are those we give ourselves.
Start by soaking feet in a bucket of warm water. Then, using a foot scrub, exfoliate the skin, taking care to massage into the driest areas around the heel and ankle. By taking these simple steps, you'll feel revitalised from head to toe.
• Clinique Sonic System Purifying Cleansing Brush, $165. Click here for stockists.