Thanks to his sister's artistic colouring skills, Masterton tot Tiare Knight can be safely buckled in during car trips.
The Wairarapa Road Safety Council and the Plunket Car Seat Rental Service presented Tiare, 2, sister Roina, 7, and mum Keri Knight with a new booster seat, which Roina won in a colouring competition.
The council organised the competition at a "whanau day" at the Genesis Recreation Centre and the booster seat prize to help families struggling with the cost of child restraints.
Council road safety manager Bruce Pauling said there was a need for family assistance in Wairarapa, as roadside restraint checkpoints had revealed a high rate of non-compliance.
"I keep seeing kids who are either incorrectly restrained in the car seat they've got, or who are in the incorrect restraint for their age and weight," said Mr Pauling.