25-year-old Lauren Smith, who planned to start work as a junior doctor next week, miraculously survived a 600m fall down Mt Rolleston, near Arthur's Pass. Photos / Supplied
25-year-old Lauren Smith, who planned to start work as a junior doctor next week, miraculously survived a 600m fall down Mt Rolleston, near Arthur's Pass. Photos / Supplied
As Lauren Smith uncontrollably tumbled hundreds of metres down a mountain, she was sure she was going to die.
"Each time I hit my head, I was wondering how I was still conscious," Smith said.
"A lot ran through my mind during that time, including how devastated my mum would be if I died.
"I had absolutely no control in that moment and that was the scariest part. I had lost my ice axe at the top. Combined with the speed I was falling and my body bouncing from the drops down the bluffs, it was only near the bottom which I gained some control." The 25-year-old medical student, who planned to start work as a junior doctor next week, miraculously survived the 600m fall down Mt Rolleston, near Arthur's Pass, escaping with only minor injuries.
Smith had been climbing with her friend, Chris, an experienced mountaineer, with a plan to reach the high peak of Mt Rolleston, via Rome Ridge.
"I did everything I could think of to protect myself. Knowing how to self-arrest well is critical in a fall like that because in a life-threatening situation your body is thrown like a rag-doll. You barely have time to think so the skills have to be instinctive."
As she tumbled hundreds of metres, Smith fell in and out of consciousness.
"I passed out briefly at the bottom, but following this, I gave every effort to keep myself awake.
"I don't know how I survived, whether it was pure luck or something more. I never thought I could have a fall like that and be alive at the end of it, so maybe God was looking out for me that day," she said.
When Smith eventually slowed to a stop, she realised it was because the snow beneath her was very soft as a result of a recent avalanche.
"I was also very worried about another avalanche as the sun was just coming out. I didn't know how I was going to get down the mountain in so much pain but I just knew I had to.
"After letting my head recover for 20min, I started very slowly trying to make my way down, being very careful not to fall over due to dizziness from the concussion," she said.
Smith felt "incredible relief" when she saw the rescue helicopter and burst into tears.
She cried out for their help while waving an orange bag.
"It wasn't until he had his arms around me and I was in the helicopter that I could really believe I was okay."
Smith said her rescue demonstrates the importance of having a locator beacon and how valuable having a response team is. Chris activated his beacon after her fall, triggering a rescue helicopter to fly to their location.
"I have analysed the climb over and over, and there are definitely things I would have changed. I am just lucky I have another chance to learn from those mistakes."
Smith said she can't remember whether she tested the slab of rock with her hand before it gave away, as she did with the other rocks.
"As a climber, you always ask yourself if there is something you could have done differently," she said.
Her injuries included a slight fracture in the ankle joint, deep bruising and abrasions, friction burns to both arms and a concussion.
"I start my job as a junior doctor next week but this will likely be delayed until I have fully recovered.
Senior Constable Reuben McCormack's experience in the police search and rescue team led him to be able to communicate with the rescuers through a radio and help them find Smith.
He was climbing on his day off when he came across Chris looking shocked.
"(Chris) said to us: 'I've lost Lauren'. We said: 'What do you mean you've lost her?' And he said: 'Down there' and pointed down into the Bealey Valley, which is a huge drop," Senior Constable McCormack said.
He described the moment they found out Smith had survived. "They told us on the radio: 'She's waving at us!' And that was the first we knew that. 'Oh my God, she's alive' that was a very exciting moment for us. Just to know she was alive."