The project, on a site from which previous state housing was being removed, was announced in August 2021, and that the replacement would be finished in early 2023.
The need, escalating since the demolition and removal of many state homes in 2012-2017, has been highlighted by the climb in Napier demand on the State Housing Register waiting list to over 800 a year ago, and the number now falling to below 700 (690 at the end of March).
In Seddon Cr at least 12 of the 1-4 bedroom homes are now occupied, and the last eight will be completed and ready for occupation in July.
Cribb said: “Our build programme will make a significant difference to the number of homes available for the people living in cars, garages, motels or overcrowded homes,” she said.
“With limited opportunities to develop new areas for housing in Napier, our focus is on making efficient use of our land by redeveloping sites with older homes to provide additional Kāinga Ora homes,” she said. “Therefore a lot of the new homes will be built in the well-connected suburbs of Marewa, Onekawa East and Maraenui where there is already public housing.”
Kāinga Ora is progressing plans to build or facilitate up to 200 homes over seven other sites in Maraenui, and more than 70 are earmarked for Onekawa streets Cottrell Cr, Hitchings Ave, Venables Ave, Mclaren Cr and Cornford Pl.
Also earmarked for development in Napier are the sites of the Carnell St flats, between Georges Dr and Jull St.