Spare a thought for Bill English's family this Christmas, for he has come up with a belter of a way to spend the summer.
Within minutes of the final results of the first flag referendum being announced, English issued a press release which included this suggestion: "New Zealanders can use the summer holiday period to decide which flag they prefer."
Judging from the polls, most of New Zealand had already decided which flag they preferred. For some it remains Red Peak and judging from the reaction on Twitter, the fans of Red Peak will be spending the summer sulking about their dreams being thwarted by the will of the common masses rather than deciding on other flags.
Other ministers are also otherwise occupied. Education Minister Hekia Parata had schools to close down. Workplace and Safety Minister Michael Woodhouse was no doubt planning ambush visits to check dangerous worm farms. And like the other JC, Judith Collins had risen again and was preparing to spend the summer reading papers and applying to the Prime Minister for permission for her every move from shopping to picking strawberries.
Prime Minister John Key was to be free as a bird, having already made up his mind about the flag. He voted for the blue and black one which was eventually chosen. How thankful he must now be for his prescience, given it freed him to actually enjoy a summer holiday rather than spend it deciding which flag he prefers.