Canterbury University vice chancellor Rod Carr says while it's easy to look at what fell down, Christchurch is still the second largest urban centre in New Zealand, and it remains home to more than 300,000 people.
Fifty years ago the university abandoned what is now the Old Arts Centre in the central city and shifted out to three farms at Ilam.
Carr praises their foresight and says not only has the campus weathered the quakes well - only 14 of the 240 buildings are still out of bounds and only a handful have been demolished - but it is an indication of what the central city could be like in another 50 years.
"If you ask what a city in a garden feels like, it's like walking round here - low rise buildings, mounded land, riverscapes."
The university is using the upheaval to improve where it can, despite the reluctance of its insurers to make things better than they were.