Giant bauble decorations appearing on the streets of Tamaki Makaurau is a sure sign that there are only 39 shopping days until Christmas.
The baubles, an annual feature in central Auckland for 15 years, were jointly financed by Heart of the City and Auckland Council and range in size, with the largest 6.5 metres high and 6 metres wide. They’re made up of pentagonal sections weighted down with giant water drums, the heaviest tipping the scales at more than 4 tonnes.

In stark contrast, Wellington City Council has splashed out on some new festive cheer this year with a cheeky poke at its roading woes after creating a Christmas tree made from road cones.
“As the city is undergoing a number of infrastructural projects to make it a city fit for the 21st century, we are having some playful fun with a road cone Christmas tree and elves wearing hi-vis vests and road cone hats throughout the festivities,” said Stephen Blackburn, Wellington Council’s manager city events.