Marae Ministries New Zealand will stage its inaugural Christian outreach weekend at Te Ore Ore Marae next week.
Hugh and Sylvia Manihera, of Wairarapa Christian Outreach, said the Australian couple who founded the ministry, Fabio and Louisa Francini, had held similar meetings at maraes in Tokoroa, Wanganui and Taupo and "now it's our turn".
He said Marae Ministries NZ holds the outreach weekends at a roster of North Island maraes up to four times a year to share "good music, good discussions and good food" and to foster fellowship with other Christians.
Mr Manihera said the weekend will start with a powhiri at the Masterton marae at 5pm on November 28 and will run through to 1pm on November 30.
"It's interdenominational and intercultural. You don't have to belong to any particular church and you don't have to be Maori," he said.