The biggest group of commercial, retail and industrial landlords are scheduled to gather in Christchurch for their national conference next week.
Property Council members were to hold a three-day conference about buildings but council executives were still deciding yesterday what to do about their national gathering at the Christchurch Convention Centre in Kilmore St.
They are due to fly in from around New Zealand to discuss tenants, rents and the general economic outlook for landlords.
The convention centre is outside the earthquake cordon but Andrea Deuchrass, senior adviser advocacy and communication, said no decisions had been made.
"It would be great to get nearly 200 delegates down there to show solidarity and we'd probably hold parts of the conference but obviously not the site tours," she said.
Doubts also emerged about two hotels booked for delegates: Hotel Crowne Plaza, Christchurch and Millennium Hotel, Christchurch. Some rooms in the Crowne Plaza were off-limits, she said.
The Property Council is awaiting final reports from venues, hotels and transport agencies. Initial reports were positive, the council said.
However, it would await final clearance for city access and services to ensure the conference would not be compromised.
Christchurch earthquake: Doubts over property conference
Photo / Pam Johnson
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