A law change aimed at improving the protection of children at risk of abuse or neglect, including stronger vetting of adults who work with children, has passed into law with broad support in Parliament.
The Vulnerable Children Bill passed its final stage by 105 - 10 votes in Parliament on Wednesday afternoon after only the Green Party and Mana Party's Hone Harawira voted against it.
The bill is the centrepiece of the Government's 'Children's Action Plan' - developed after Social Development Minister Paula Bennett's White Paper on Vulnerable Children.
Its measures include changes to the law so that abusive or neglectful parents will have to prove they are safe if they wish to keep any further children they have. In the past, social agencies have had to to prove they were not fit parents to take a child from them.
It also introduces greater screening of those who work with children for government and community agencies, and ban those with serious convictions from working closely with children.