The big financial planning process for councils is currently under way. Ratepayer feedback to this process is crucial, so have your say now because once the rates bill comes out it's too late.
The Long Term Plan (LTP) is the key consultation process for councils to get community feedback on their strategic plans. In an LTP, a council must outline how it will fulfil its responsibilities under the Local Government Act to promote the wellbeing of the community, and enable democratic local decision making.
The importance of this last part is often overlooked. But this is why councils are obliged to go to such an effort to outline what they propose to do, why they propose to do it, and how they'll be paying for it. Councils are delegated responsibilities by the central government because some responsibilities are better left at the local level so that the concerns and preferences of ratepayers are addressed locally, rather than in Wellington.
In the LTP process, submitters should look at the community outcomes which explain the council's aims and roles in achieving these aims. Do the community outcomes fit with your idea of what a council should be doing? The funding impact statement is also important. Who is paying what portion of the community's costs, and does this seem fair?
Submitters should also ask themselves whether the information they require to provide good feedback to their councils is in the document. If it is not, then this is also something that councils need to hear about.