Act leader Don Brash wants the use of cannabis decriminalised, saying too much valuable police time is taken up enforcing a law that is flouted by about 400,000 people a year.
"I'm haunted by the thought that all that police time and all those police resources could be better deployed in actually keeping us safe from real criminals intent on harming us," he said in Pakuranga yesterday.
But instead, the law made criminals of 400,000 New Zealanders who were harming no one except arguably themselves "which is their prerogative in a free society".
Dr Brash is yet to convince his own party of the merits of the case, a party that prides itself on being tough on crime as well as libertarian. He said it was a personal view.
Dr Brash said he had not smoked marijuana and was not advocating its use. But his personal view is expected to raise some questions in Act.