A massive outpouring of support in cash and kind has reduced a solo mum of four children struggling to pay power bills to tears.
Since Krishna Boyd's story appeared in Saturday's Northern Advocate, a number of people have contacted the newspaper with offers of help..
Auckland builder Keith Knapp offered to pay her power bill and an Auckland woman wants to donate a bag of boys' clothes as her 12-year-old son has outgrown them.
"For every story like this that is written, there are 500 similar situations of families struggling with power bills and we need to have compassion to help others along the journey." He said he was sending a cheque for an undisclosed amount to help Ms Boyd.
He said struggling families should be able to apply to their power companies, Work and Income, or other agencies for assistance.
Whangarei mum Ms Boyd, a part time worker at Kmart was in tears: "I am totally surprised by all the support but I am just one of many people who are struggling and there could be others who are struggling more than us and who deserve more help than us."
"I've had a lot of phone calls from people, including my work mates, offering support and who I wish to thank from the bottom of my heart."
Ms Boyd said Mr Knapp's financial assistance was timely as her family struggled the most with winter power bills.
She wraps her four sons in blankets and has them sleep in the front room of her Onerahi home because she cannot afford to run heaters in their bedrooms.
She is surviving on about $425 a week and pays $40 to $45 a week for electricity - even with nothing more than a small electric heater to keep the family of five warm.
"It will take until next year for me to get on top of my power bills because I am always catching up on my last power bill."
Surfers at a popular beach in the Waikato had an unforgettable encounter on Saturday when they were joined in the waves by a pod of playful orca whales.
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