As we say goodbye to 2021 and welcome in 2022, it's a good time to catch up on the very best of the Herald columnists we enjoyed reading over the last 12 months. From politics to sport, from business to entertainment and lifestyle, these are the voices and views our
Cecilia Robinson: No room for anti-vaxxers
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An anti-vaccination protest at Auckland Domain. Photo / Brett Phibbs
There is no room to tolerate anti-vaxxers, conspirators or the sceptics who selfishly think they should have the option to opt-out.
Read the full article: No room for anti-vaxxers, conspiracists

The issue with single-sex schooling - July 29
New Zealand has an issue with how we teach our young people to interact with the opposite sex, and I believe this is the result of our culture with single-sex schooling.
Single-sex schooling is mandatory in parts of Africa and the Middle East, as well as on the rise in places such as China, where the academic achievements of girls overtaking boys over recent decades has brought a "resurgence" of single-sex education.
Single-sex schooling is something I had to come to terms with since moving here after being brought up in Sweden, where it simply does not exist.
However, both my father and husband are products of single-sex schools, so I feel I can speak on the matter, although the world has changed significantly since they were at school.
Read the full article: The issue with single-sex schooling

Reflections from a maternity ward - October 12
Last week, we were blessed to welcome our new son Charlie into the world.
Charlie was delivered through an elective c-section and we spent four days in Auckland Hospital's maternity ward. Having a baby is a nerve-racking experience. This was all the more frightening as Auckland was battling its latest Covid outbreak.
While Covid really should be treated at a primary healthcare level, hospitals are the frontline in our fight, so we expected cases could have been present.
We weren't expecting to discover a Covid-positive case visited the NICU during our stay. We had initially and briefly stayed in a joint room with another couple who had their child in NICU, bringing home the severity of the situation. I felt a huge sense of trepidation.
But I also have never been more thankful to have made the decision to be vaccinated while I was pregnant.
Read the full article: Reflections from a maternity ward

What Govt must do now - September 18
A month into level 4 restrictions and many people are at breaking point.
On Zoom and google hangouts, I see the strain written across the faces of my colleagues, family and friends.
I see the stress in those who have lost everything in the last 18 months, forced to close businesses that were unable to survive the repeated lockdowns Auckland has endured.
I see it in the heartbreak of families who are grappling with the reality that they are separated from loved ones in other countries and who have no idea of if and when they might be reunited.
Each lockdown provided an opportunity to learn lessons to prevent another, yet we failed to learn these lessons.
Read the full article: What Govt must do now

Time to fund Pharmac properly - June 6
Budget 2021 saw an extra $200 million over four years given to Pharmac. Last week the media was up in arms over the funding gap, but this week, it has gone quiet. The truth is that every year this issue simply gets swept under the carpet.
The drug-buying agency now has more than $1 billion to spend every year, an increase of more than 25 per cent since Labour came to power in 2018.
On paper this might seem significant, but the truth is it is nowhere near enough.
Why? Because we have been underinvesting in Pharmac for years and its responsibilities are being extended to include hospital medicines and medical devices, without the necessary ring-fencing of its pharmaceutical budget.
Read the full article: Time to fund Pharmac properly