The owner of the home, Barry, told the Herald he woke up after hearing a crash and breaking glass.
He went to investigate, thinking someone could be breaking into his house.
“I came out here to the lounge and there was a big chunk of wood had gone right through the window with glass all through the lounge.
“The guys were yelling out they wanted the police, so I rang the police and the ambulance turned up as well.
“Unfortunately, the young girl passed away.”
The passengers of the car were across the road yelling, Barry said.
”When I came out here I couldn’t believe it. It was a mess.”
Police had been investigating illegal street racing in Fernside before the car fled the scene and crashed in Rangiora. Photo / George Heard
He said a sleeper at the front of his house stopped the car from going into his lounge.
“I would say he was going at a hell of a pace, the only thing that stopped him going right through to my lounge was the sleeper, the back wheel hit that and it stopped him otherwise he would’ve kept going.”