"From these observations, researchers began to focus on isolating and testing the food-derived compounds from the natural food instead of looking at the food as a whole," she said.
This resulted in many studies showing inconclusive and sometimes negative results.
"To better understand the link between food and health we need to study the natural food as a whole."
How locally-grown, antioxidant-rich whole foods might help alleviate stress and immune response to exercise was largely unknown.
What was known, Nasef said, was that exercise could produce stress markers such as cortisol - and specific to gender.
"We also know that women, particularly athletes, suffer long-term consequences of exercise like osteoporosis and menstrual dysfunction, and we think this is linked to the stress response," she said.
"Vitamin C is known to reduce the stress response after exercise and so what we want to determine is whether vitamin C works better when it is eaten as a natural food like kiwifruit."
Her research team was looking for study participants and need 12 healthy active women living in Auckland, aged over 18, with a regular menstrual cycle.
Nasef said taking part in the research was a great opportunity for people to learn about themselves, such as their fitness and they will also be provided with a body composition test for free.
Participants would be asked to come to the research unit five times.
The first visit involved completing questionnaires about their medical history and physical activity, a body composition test and their height, weight and blood pressure would be measured.
Participants will also complete a maximal exercise test, which was the gold standard for measuring cardiovascular endurance.
The other visits involved participants eating a study meal that contained kiwifruit or vitamin C, providing saliva samples and performing a 30-minute exercise on a cycle ergometer.
Women keen to take part can contact the researchers at goldkiwistudy@gmail.com.