A former Hawke's Bay woman is at Parliament today protesting against what she says is the unjustified separation of children from families in the crackdown against domestic violence.
Ellie Hini, a trained nurse now living in the Waikato region, has been battling to have children returned within her own family.
She was back in Hawke's Bay on Wednesday en route to the Beehive, where she has been allocated an appointment, although she was still unaware who it would be with.
Her Hikoi for Justice Aotearoa is being supported by Auckland-based Families for Justice, with worries particularly about an apparent lowering of thresholds at which children are being removed, with the advent of the Oranga Tamariki "vulnerable children" service.
She said there was no issue with children being removed from clearly violent or neglectful families or where there were serious drug and alcohol issues.