He is alarmed so many people are needing support.
"It's sad ... there are so many people struggling and they don't know what their entitlements and rights are. People just aren't surviving."
As a result of the sudden jump in client numbers, Mr MacKiewicz has been forced to take on help. He has a woman who works alongside him and is now training a man who is in full-time employment to help out.
"It's disappointing so many people need help but there has always been a need for an advocacy service. It's become a full-time job for me now. I needed help and I'm training someone to know the ropes ... we are helping a lot more people today to find accommodation and places to live."
When Mr MacKiewicz began the service nearly four years ago, he was startled to learn there were no review hearings being heard - as people weren't making applications for review of decision.
He thinks this is because they didn't know how to go about them on their own.
"I was surprised ... we have quite a few these days.
"People have rights but don't know what it means and how to go about it ... if a case worker makes a mistake then it can be put right."
Mr MacKiewicz also needs office furniture, filing cabinets and chairs for the service which is run out of his Solway home.
He receives no funding and doesn't charge for services.
Meanwhile, many clients were receiving letters asking if they were living in marriage-type relationships.
He reminds people, if they are receiving a single benefit, they can't be living with another person they are in a relationship with and receive a single-rate benefit.
If they were, they could be prosecuted, he said.
"Some people don't even realise they are doing something wrong.
"It's about understanding the nits and grits of it all and being sure they follow the rules."
If you can help Mr MacKiewicz with office furniture, call him on (06) 377 2525.