"The big thing that changes is the increase in people drinking alcohol in summer."
He said holiday drinking meant a huge increase in the amount of glass and soft drink bottles collected.
The amount of paper sent to recycling has also increased as the seasons change.
"In winter, people burn their paper for fires but in summer they don't so that increases as well," Mr Jones said.
A waste reduction expert says councils across the country are doing their best to reduce landfill waste.
Envision managing director Matthew Luxton said regional councils have a difficult role.
"Councils do the best with what they're given and councils have to deal with the packaging manufacturers create.
"That's a hard position to be in, especially for smaller councils, and I'm in full support of the councils."
He said people should always remember the "waste hierarchy" - reduce, reuse, recycle.
"Think: 'Do you really need to buy this item or not?"'
People could also reduce waste by buying in bulk, which meant less packaging than individually-bought items.
"Recycling should not be the first option for people, it should be the last resort after reducing and reusing," Mr Luxton said.NZME.