A Carterton schoolboy is still battling his way to recovery after surviving relentless bullying and a schoolyard attempt to escape his tormentors by strangling himself.
The Wairarapa Times-Age broke the story of Carterton School pupil Raybane Hume-Kinzett, 11, who had in March tried to strangle himself with a skipping rope on the school playing fields.
His mother Sharlee Hume had told the Times-Age shocked classmates wrestled the rope from her son, who suffers from acute and chronic eczema and at 1.56m-tall weighs about 80kg.
Raybane, described by teachers as quiet, kind and caring, had in his own words become "angry and confused" after about half-a-dozen classmates surrounded him in the playground and bullied him about his eczema and size.
Ms Hume first learnt of the incident when a school staff member called to say her son had collapsed after his return to class. He was unresponsive and was taken by ambulance to Carterton Medical Centre. His story featured in a two-page spread in a women's magazine this week and Ms Hume said there were apparently numerous readers who had been moved by the challenges her son and family faced.